
Thursday 30 November 2017

Art festival week 3

this week my group changed our movie plan... AGAIN. But we got lots of recordings done and it looks pretty good. It's about a girl that disappeared at a school and we were telling a story about it and adding flashbacks of the girls view. We think it's going to look really effective, and its close to being completed so we hope it turns out good.

Thursday 23 November 2017

Art festival week 2

Today we got a little bit done but we weren't able to record our original filming because two of our crucial members that need to be in the recording but we did some practices of taping my phone to my chest, practising the course and filming to see how it would look. It turned out to look decent, the camera was a little bit wobbly but we need to figure out a way to tape it to my head so when i look down it can see the jumps/stunts.

Monday 20 November 2017

Readers theatre

- What am i learning?
We are learning to read

- How am i going towards achieving this learning?
By reading

- What do I need to do to be a strong performer in readers theatre?
Reading with expression, loud, and clear voice

- Wonderings

Writing goal

1. My goal in writing is: To create sentences that are deliberately crafted to impact and engage.

2. I have chosen this goal because: I believe few of my sentences are interesting and creates an impact that makes you want to engage but not many so i want to be able to write even more.

3. To achieve this goal i will need to: think outside the box and expand my creativity and ideas.

So thinking of better vocabulary - Sentences that describe how I'm feeling and maybe explaining it as a metaphor - Make dramatic sentences using similes

Thursday 16 November 2017

Art festival week 1

For kete I'm in the film group for the festival of the arts and my group is called anonymous, the members of my group are Kiera, Jordan, and Tanaya. Our group did this plan where we would do this horror movie. We started recording today and it turned out it was way harder than we thought. We have decided to do this zombie chase with go pros. We reckon it's going to be really cool and we hope it turns out good!

Friday 10 November 2017

Kaitiakitanga kete

We started a kete called Kaitiakitanga. We were given 5 questions to answer when we started the kete. \
What does Kaitaikitanga mean?
Why do you think Kaitaikitanga is important?
What does sustainability mean?
Why do you think sustainability is important?
What does Rahui Tapu mean?
Why do you think rahui Tapu is important?

That was my video, now we are towards the end of our kete and this is my response now

Thursday 9 November 2017

Maori Timeline - Quail island

We read a Maori myth on how quail island was crated and here is what we found out...

Sons of sky father and earth mother sailed down to earth to meet their mother.

The sons, led by Aoraki, sailed around Gaia in Te Waka o Aoraki but decided they were unimpressed, so prepared to go back to the sky.

Before they could leave, their waka hit a reef and tipped sideways.

The brothers sat on the side of the waka and eventually turned to stone becoming the southern alps- Aoraki Mt Cook, Rakirua Mt Teichelmann, Rakirua Mt Dampier and Rarakiroa Mt Tasmin.

When the waka failed to return, Aorakis grandson tracked a journey to find them.
He found the wreck and mourned their deaths.

Image result for quail island

Maori Timeline

How The Earth Was Created....

Leprosy story

In 1906 I, WIll Vallane admitted to Christchurch hospital that i was diagnosed with a disease called Leprosy, it was a disease that would affect your skin and nerves of the cooler region of the body- particularly the nose, throat, voice-box, fingers, and toes. It had even affected my eyesight and so it had been failing so sight was more of a blur to me.I was so contagious even people from a range of 2 meters from me could become infected. They immediately isolated me and moved me to quail island so I could no longer harm or affect anyone else.

I had been put in a large hospital and had difficulty trying to get comfortable in such a large open space just for myself. In 1907 the department of health constructed me a hut so I could be able to live the rest of my years being at least in a comfortable surrounding. Let's not forget, leprosy is incurable so until the government had something better to do with me i would stay isolated on this island.

The doctor would visit me once a month and relatives would visit me occasionally or every now and then. I had a caretaker on the island, Mr. Thomas. He would come to my house to feed me since i was not capable of doing it myself due to my eyesight. Although he was not allowed near me he would put my food down in a spot and back away so I could walk myself over to go get it, i wasn't able to do much but he would turn music on the gramophone for me. It would keep me settled during the day. He would as well hand me books to well, read, more like look at, i would ask for illustrated books because i love seeing the blurs of color on the page.

I got weaker by the day, and i knew myself i was slowly dying, and i was going to die alone. I had a gate around my cabin so no one could come in too close to me, and i couldn’t get out. I wish i could be able to walk around the island for the rest of my days and enjoy the water and sunny view. I wish i could’ve done a lot more than knowing that my life will end with nothing exciting to celebrate my life.

Image result for quail island leprosy colonythis is a replica of the leper cottage

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Quail Island questions

What does the name otamahua mean? Where does the name come from?
Quail Island, it comes from where the children collected seabird eggs.
Where did the name Quail island come from?
Edward Gibbon passed several quail and from the circumstance, he named it Quail Island.
How big is the island?
81 hectares, 86 meters high - 185 acres.
How was the island created?
It was created by a lava flow.
What wildlife is present on the island - native/introduced?
Birds, rabbits, prests, lizards, geckos, etc.
Mahinga kai, food gathering was an important activity for Maori: What food did they gather from otamahua?
Kumara, yam, Kawakawa, quail eggs, etc.
How have introduced species (animals/birds/insects) damaged the environment?
they ate away at all the quail eggs and eat all the plants.

kaitiakitanga, sustainability & rahui tapu

What do kaitiakitanga, sustainability, and rahui tapu mean in relation to Quail island?

I think kaitiakitanga relates to Quail island because it's about keeping the island safe and protecting its native plants and animal/birds. They are trying to get rid of all the animals (eg. possums, rats) that are destroying the native plants, eating quail eggs, etc. Sustainability is similar to kaitiakitanga as well, it's getting rid of the bad things to keep the good things. So growing the native plants again and making sure pests don't ruin them. Rahui tapu is restrictions, so people who visit Quail island aren't allowed to pick the plants and stuff because they are trying to get them to grow and keep the population on the island back up again.

Monday 6 November 2017


(sorry it's sideways) This is my finishing painting, in all honesty, i couldn't be bothered with the details of the person so i turned her into a ghost :) She kills spirits and monsters before they possess a body.

 This was our first step, "Origins Of Superheroes". it was just information about the basics of making superheroes, and stories of them, just things that relate i suppose.
Unfortunately, i didn't get to finish this sheet. It was plans of what your hero would look like. As long as i had an ideal image of my finishing art it was okay.