
Wednesday 7 December 2016

story - fries

Fries. They are just yummy. You can never have enough yumminess. If you haven’t eaten fries, you have never ever like ever never ever even like ever literally like never ever like ever even like never ever  like ever never ever even like ever literally like never ever like ever even like never ever lived. Fries are just bae. Like just bae. Fries are amazing they taste like they just came down from heaven, Fries are the best feed you could EVER HAVE!! Next time you have fries, don’t savour it. Just don’t. You gotta eat it all up! Just straight away. I get really emotional though when there’s only one chip left :’( But that’s life i guess. The good thing is that you can buy more chips. But if you poor then you can just eat a potato :( Why are french fries called french fries when they ain’t from france are they? Well i guess it’s just random :p But seriously why ‘french fries’ why not ‘filipino fries’ or ‘chinese fries’? I love mcdonald's fries. But mostly KFC fries!! Burger king fries are nice too. Fries are an absolute gift from heaven nothing can get better than the salty and crunchiness of the fries. What’s the big deal about fries? How can a gay potato turn into a delicious crunchy chip? Like i never understand life at all to be honest. And how on earth am i writing a story this big just on fries. Is it just me or do people never ever get full of fries? Hehe. Hehe.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Threk Forever After - spooning story

Once a time upon there was an ogly ugre. Surprisingly he had a worgeous gife and he has three bogre abies. The family went to ar ar faway to celebrate his child’s birst firthday. Then one of the children there asked Threk to “ro the doar” constantly and then Threk screamed and walked out with a temper. threk finds a man named rumpilstiltskin. Rumpilstiltskin gives Threk a day to live like a real ugre. Threk signs the contract and appears in a reality where he is veared by fillagers. But Threk didnt realise that on the contract - Stiltskin reveals that he erased the day Threk was born. Therefore, Threk never saved Diona or met Fonkey. Stiltskin was able to get King Harold and Queen Lillian to sign their kingdom away, making them doth bisappear. When the day ends, threk will disappear too as well. threk escapes Stiltskin's castle with fonkey. Initially terrified of threk, Fonkey decides to trust him after seeing threk cry over his erased history, something he had never seen an ugre do before. The only way to get rid of the contract is a true kove liss.
To Be Continued……

Monday 21 November 2016

Perimeter and Area - screencastify

Dragons Apprentice - book review


I reckon this book is very epic and fantasy. It has a lot of cliffhangers that make you want to read more.  I would read this book again because it’s very unpredictable and unique. Its a very delightful book and it has changed my mind into reading fantasy and mystery books.

The dragons apprentice is about a boy named Toby who is 12 years of age. He has been sacked from every job. Toby is a very odd boy, he has purple eyes, and not even that - he has an amazing ability to speak to Klel (a dragon). Toby finds out through eavesdropping and he overheard the prince of his deadly plans for Klel. Through the story Toby finds out his amazing abilities that could help Klel…

Thursday 17 November 2016

Musical theatre

These are photos of our musical theatre group/class practicing our choreography for our show "Annie"

Thursday 3 November 2016

Street Art Poster

palm oil

Palm Oil is isn't just putting animals at risk- But something else... The world as we know it.
The way we harvest Palm Oil is causing:
Soil erosion
Air pollution
Soil and Water Pollution
Climate Change

or we risk future generations knowledge of Orangutans, Bornean Pygmy Elephant, Sumatran Tigers.

Join a cause- There are many people taking part and helping make a change to stop palm oil.

I think I exceeded LO1 because I can explain the impact palm oil has on the future and give examples on how to care for Earth.
I think I exceeded LO2 Because I can independently explain the impact Palm Oil has on the animals and give examples on what we can do to help.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

albatross poem

Image result for albatross
Unique, Gliding, Freedom
Motionlessly, Gracefully, Peacefully
As vulnerable as a heartbeat

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Little Freak! ~ story

The intensity I feel when I glare into my eyes in the mirror makes me feel hopeless. I feel unwanted in this world. People treat like I have no heart, like I’m a monster. I feel like a lunatic. I feel like I’m pressured to the limits where I can’t bear it anymore. I get locked up in my room because people are scared of me, but I’m just like everyone else! Dad tries to cheer me up but every time I look at myself, I’m discouraged because of how hideous I look. I get chained up, locked in a cage so i’m isolated from the world, everyone treats me like i’m a creep! I feel crushed, unloved, everyone rejects me because no one accepts me for who I am. I'm helpless! Sometimes I feel like being in the presence of everyone than be isolated in a cage. I’m a human being! No one deserves to be put on “display”, to be laughed at, to be humiliated, victimised! I got so intense that I clenched my fists and smashed my mirror. I guess now i’m happier knowing I don’t have to look at myself ever again. I just have to face it. I’m unaccepted in this world, my talents can’t even be shown off to the world. There’s so much I could wish for in life. But one wish isn’t enough. My life feels as vulnerable as a single heartbeat. Like, if I skip a beat…… I’ll stop. Everyone lives once. I wish just for ‘once’, I could be normal. When people laugh at me. I freeze instantly. The more upset I was, the more tears I flowed. I feel depressed everyday. Its gets worse and worse by the minute. My dad says to appreciate what I’m living for. But i can’t enjoy my life with tape muffling my screams, chains strangling my wrists, people LAUGHING AT ME! I try to hide my face from everyone around me. I try to hide the horror away from my soulful eyes. I dream. A lot! To get rid of the pain, but its hard to when the screeching on my door is very unsettling. When it was my birthday, my dad brought in a small cake with a candle lit on top. I wasn’t ready to make a wish but before i knew it, the light blew out.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.