
Thursday 1 December 2016

Threk Forever After - spooning story

Once a time upon there was an ogly ugre. Surprisingly he had a worgeous gife and he has three bogre abies. The family went to ar ar faway to celebrate his child’s birst firthday. Then one of the children there asked Threk to “ro the doar” constantly and then Threk screamed and walked out with a temper. threk finds a man named rumpilstiltskin. Rumpilstiltskin gives Threk a day to live like a real ugre. Threk signs the contract and appears in a reality where he is veared by fillagers. But Threk didnt realise that on the contract - Stiltskin reveals that he erased the day Threk was born. Therefore, Threk never saved Diona or met Fonkey. Stiltskin was able to get King Harold and Queen Lillian to sign their kingdom away, making them doth bisappear. When the day ends, threk will disappear too as well. threk escapes Stiltskin's castle with fonkey. Initially terrified of threk, Fonkey decides to trust him after seeing threk cry over his erased history, something he had never seen an ugre do before. The only way to get rid of the contract is a true kove liss.
To Be Continued……

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