
Monday 10 June 2019

Essay writing

What have I been learning?
 I learnt how to create excellent paragraph structures using 'GOLDEN'
G: Gathering ideas. Its really good and helpful to brainstorm before you start an essay so if you run out of things to write, you can look at the ideas you have planned.
O: Organise. Organise what ideas you want to put in each paragraph.
L: Link paragraphs. Making sure the order of your paragraphs are correct, its always good to start with your strongest idea.
D: Descriptive words. Including descriptive words in your paragraphs creates a more interesting and effective essay.
E: Example. Show examples or evidence to prove your point
N: Neat and tidy. Correcting your mistakes- for instance, grammar.

Our essay was on the characteristics of Lady Macbeth
G: For gathering ideas, we put a few characteristics we could write about. Eg. Determination, manipulative, brave, etc.
O: For organising, we narrowed it down to what 3 characteristics we were going to write about. Loving, remorseful, and determination.
L: We decided to do determination first, loving second, and then remorse last.
D: Here is the introduction we created for our essay with our highlighted descriptive words:

"There are many strong formidable female characters in literature, but none can compare to Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth. She had several qualities that the audience can like, dislike, or admire. Admirable qualities that helped us understand the text include her determination, her loving nature towards Macbeth, and her remorse."

How have I been learning it?
We created a class essay.

Why have I been learning it?
So we can improve paragraph structures in essays.

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