
Thursday 25 July 2019

Critical literacy

Image result for salvation army winter appeal 2019

What does the author of the text want us to know? It wants people to understand how hard it is to keep warm and healthy in the winter when you're in a poor family so they can donate money to give them the help they need.

What kind of social realities does the text portray? It portrays the struggles of being poor. In this case, its a family with children, and in the winter. Eg. It shows that ' struggling because the fire is not lit, which means that they aren't getting warmth in the house because they cant afford it.

How are children, teenagers, young adults and adults constructed in the text? The child in this text is presented as vulnerable. Having a sleeping bag and pillow on the couch shows that she is too poor to afford a bed.


  1. Good Job! The explanation on how the child is vulnerable is great.

  2. Hi Pearl, I really like how you used examples to add facts to your critical literacy answers. Your layout of the post is very neat and easy to find what parts of the post you want us to focus on. You have done a great job. Next time you could add more interpretations from the actual image as well as your breakdown of the text.


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