
Monday 12 August 2019

Persuasive writing 1

Dangerous sports shouldn't be banned

Sports, you see it at the park, you watch it on television, you may even play it yourself. It is indispensable in our society. However, some argue that it's too dangerous and that it should be prohibited. I strongly disagree. "Dangerous" sports shouldn't be banned because just about every sport is risky, it helps unify people, and can help people both mentally and physically.

Some sports are more dangerous than others. But every sport is risky, just on different levels. It's like comparing swimming to bull riding. Swimming; although its very unlikely, you can still drown. But are we really going to ban that sport? Moreover, not everyone who plays the sport will be harmed. For instance, gymnastics. Just because one person fails to do a cartwheel, doesn't mean every other contestant will too. People always have accidents in sports but it shouldn't be a result of banning them. its your choice to play sports. If you have a passion in playing in a certain sport, then you should have the right to participate. If we were to ban "dangerous" sports, then in reality, every sport would have to be banned.

Sports encourages to unite divided people. Think of a friend you have, you must have something in common right? Sports helps connect people in ways like having topics in common, such as liking the same sport - or even admiring the same player. From sitting in the pub having a beer, to chilling in your lounge having pizza, you could be with some friends having a laugh, cheering, or even complaining about the sports on the tv. Without sports, it gives you one less thing to talk about, or even lose the connection with someone because the biggest thing you had in common was the passion for a certain sport or player.

Some people get fit by working out at the gym, while others get fit by training and playing sports. Children can't go to the gym, so how are they supposed to get fit? It is essential for children to play sports in and out of school. It helps develop leadership skills, teamwork, and even help them learn how to strategize. How are you supposed to work with colleagues when you don't know how to work alongside others? Moreover, you need to play sports to help develop your body through adolescence (it could also be necessary for future jobs. eg carrying heavy boxes). It really plays a big part in your life, it gives you the skills that will be helpful through your entire life.

We come across sports everyday, on the car radio on the way to work, to the tv at the pub. Every sport has a risk, but it doesn't mean they should be banned. It brings people together and helps us develop skills as we grow older than can be really effective for our constant future. We all have the right and should be encouraged to play whatever sport we desire.

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