
Thursday 31 October 2019

Are movies better than books?

I want to improve on: Ideas, structure, and vocabulary.

Maybe you like reading because of the ghost-silence that fulfills the room. Or it could even be the environment as you read. Maybe you like the setting of your lamp glare, reflecting off your wall, or maybe that scented candle that you always light before you start a new chapter. You don't need things like candles or lamps while watching movies right? Maybe you prefer movies because they send chills down your spine. People with good imaginations tend to read books more as they can visualize in their head how they want a character, place, or object to look like. Furthermore, It makes you feel more in control. But some people don't have a fascinating imagination as much as others. Generally what introduces and aspires you to read or watch something is; the time duration to finish, the details/genres, and first impressions.

Books can occupy a reader or audience for days, weeks, and in some cases even months, while a movie can last for averagely 1-3 hours. On the other hand though, there can be multiple movies. For example, there are 8 Harry Potter films, and could quite frankly even be another one. So technically, Movies can last for days (or weeks).  It just depends how much time your willing to dedicate to reading or watching.

Books express and fulfill the grossing details whereas, movies provide more visual explicit details. "The dark grey clouds blanketed the night sky. Her skin turned pale as the raindrops crippled down her face. Her heart ached as she watched him walk away, praying he would look back." If you were to put that into a movie how would it look? How would it be presented? What is most likely to be shown is a dark depressing sky, as water drops run down a heartbroken girls face as a boy walks into the distance. That may not pull your interest in, but there are other aspects that might. For example, background sounds/effects. Some sad music - likely to be piano in a sad scene - that can make you feel more connected with the characters emotions. Maybe that's all it takes to keep your focus on the movie, it makes you want to find out whats next.

What actually makes you want to read or watch a particular book or movie in the first place?  In books, you have a summary of what the book is about, which may not be as eye-capturing. The only first impression you can get from a book is the cover, title, and summary. You could read a summary and think, oh this sounds kind of boring, and decide to put the book back on the shelf. Whereas movies, you can watch a trailer. Trailers capture a glimpse of foreshadowing scenes which makes you feel almost desperate to watch. It pulls you in, turning on your curiosity and thinking, where is this going to end up? Is that persons boat gonna tip? What was that huge shadow frightening that little boy? Movies create better first impressions than books.

In conclusion, I don't think there is a no.1 and no.2. Everyone has different opinions. Some may generally just enjoy movies more, while others don't. Personally, I prefer movies. It is a combination of time and effort. I like seeing the visual emotion in front of me.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Team sports are better than Individual sports

Netball, rugby, soccer, basketball, and volleyball. These are a few examples of the many sports we have today. Is there anything common about these few I've listed? Well they all involve a ball right? They all consist over 6 players, which obviously makes them a team. Would you say team sports are better than individual sports? Some may say yes because their favourite sport is rugby, while other may disagree because their favourite is javelin. Individual sports do have their advantages, but team sports are more beneficial.

Debating on whether team or individual sports are better, doesn't necessarily base off of the actual sport. I could say tennis is better than netball, but that's just my personal opinion. To be more ethical I can base it off of reliance and availability. When you play in a team, you always have a second option. There's always someone else to pass to when you need help or someone to replace your position if you get injured. Whereas if you're in an individual sport, once your injured, its over. There are some benefits to individual sports though. Being late is only a personal problem. There's no need to have to stress over a teammate not being able to come or having to cancel a game due to your players. It can help you become more independent and efficient.

Furthermore, team players help develop more skills than individuals. 1. You have more people, which ideally means more ideas. And 2. With a variety of different strengths and weaknesses, you can put together smart strategies to achieve your goals. For example, it could be constantly passing the ball in a certain pattern so the oppositions can't keep up with your plays. You develop teamwork and communication skills to a very high extent which not only improves your in-game techniques, but it may as well help in your daily life. From working in the office, to meeting new people, it improves our communication and comprehension to one another.

Last but not least, team sports are more fun! Having ups and downs, it helps us create fun memories to look back on. Its better to celebrate a win or a loss with your friends and teammates. It helps boost tour confidence when we get the last goal, the first goal, and even every goal in between. Maybe its a personal opinion, but I strongly believe its much rather fun to enjoy every game with the team.

Sports are an essential in our lives. Even if its for a short period of time, it helps us get fit, become skilled, and have fun. Team sports are better than individual sports. They are much more popular and interesting to watch with friends and family.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Kilauea volcano

Image result for kilauea

Kīlauea is an active shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands that last erupted between 1983 and 2018. Historically, Kīlauea is the most active of the five volcanoes (Kilauea, Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, Hualalai, Kohala) that together form the island of Hawaiʻi.

A shield volcano is a broad dome volcano with gently sloping sides, It is named for its low profile, resembling a warriors shield lying on the ground. It is usually composed almost entirely of fluid lava flows. 

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Is the South Island better than the North Island?

The South Island is better than the North Island

There are positive and negative aspects about a place. Maybe one place has a bad school but great cafe's, whereas another place has a great school but bad cafe's. Everyone has differents points of views and different opinions. Is someone's opinion enough to say that "The South Island is better than the North Island"? I will cover a few - out of many - points to decide whether this statement is true or not.

In the North Island they have many iconic places, statues, etc. For example they have Krispy Kreme which everyone adores, whereas the South Island have a line of big teeth in Invercargill on the beach. In addition, we could compare two peoples opinions. Two of them are artists, while the other has a huge obsession for sweets. The two artists prefers the South Island because they love how creative and unique our monuments are, but does that make the South Island better? Their priority is art, not food.

We've all seen those traffic cams on the news, and we've all seen the ones in Auckland. Auckland gets  absolutely ridiculous traffic jams, whereas Christchurch traffic isn't as horrific. That immediately gives a point towards our statement right? Wrong. Auckland is just one out of many cities in the North Island. Moreover, to be able to judge a place off of one city would be extremely idiotic.

Furthermore, schools. There are many schools in Christchurch; Hornby, Cashmere, St bedes, Papanui, etc. Maybe you enrol your kid to go to school such as Hornby and they're bullied. Then you move up North and enrol your kid into a new school and they make loads of friends. Why say the North Island is better just because one school turned out to be better than the other.

You can't judge a person, thing, or place by summing up all of the negatives or all of the positives. For example, it's like saying "His shoes are odd, he's probably a creep.", or "HHS is a good school so Hornby should be a great suburb.". Everyone has different priorities to judge. The North and South Island both have strong attributes that are better than the other, but we can not say that one is better than the other.