
Thursday 24 October 2019

Team sports are better than Individual sports

Netball, rugby, soccer, basketball, and volleyball. These are a few examples of the many sports we have today. Is there anything common about these few I've listed? Well they all involve a ball right? They all consist over 6 players, which obviously makes them a team. Would you say team sports are better than individual sports? Some may say yes because their favourite sport is rugby, while other may disagree because their favourite is javelin. Individual sports do have their advantages, but team sports are more beneficial.

Debating on whether team or individual sports are better, doesn't necessarily base off of the actual sport. I could say tennis is better than netball, but that's just my personal opinion. To be more ethical I can base it off of reliance and availability. When you play in a team, you always have a second option. There's always someone else to pass to when you need help or someone to replace your position if you get injured. Whereas if you're in an individual sport, once your injured, its over. There are some benefits to individual sports though. Being late is only a personal problem. There's no need to have to stress over a teammate not being able to come or having to cancel a game due to your players. It can help you become more independent and efficient.

Furthermore, team players help develop more skills than individuals. 1. You have more people, which ideally means more ideas. And 2. With a variety of different strengths and weaknesses, you can put together smart strategies to achieve your goals. For example, it could be constantly passing the ball in a certain pattern so the oppositions can't keep up with your plays. You develop teamwork and communication skills to a very high extent which not only improves your in-game techniques, but it may as well help in your daily life. From working in the office, to meeting new people, it improves our communication and comprehension to one another.

Last but not least, team sports are more fun! Having ups and downs, it helps us create fun memories to look back on. Its better to celebrate a win or a loss with your friends and teammates. It helps boost tour confidence when we get the last goal, the first goal, and even every goal in between. Maybe its a personal opinion, but I strongly believe its much rather fun to enjoy every game with the team.

Sports are an essential in our lives. Even if its for a short period of time, it helps us get fit, become skilled, and have fun. Team sports are better than individual sports. They are much more popular and interesting to watch with friends and family.


  1. Hi Pearl, your argument is extremely persuasive and provides evidence which supports your case. I really like how you added some ideas to demonstrate that the other side of the argument is valid too. The way you wrote your essay shows that you have great sentence writing skills and know how to use a personal voice to prove your point. Next time you could talk about how team sports has a long term effect on the player, eg. communication skills. Great job.

  2. Hey Pearl, I like the language you used to get your point across. Next time maybe you should show your planning. :)


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