
Monday 27 May 2019

Macbeth questions

Macbeth visits the Witches for a second time. Why? How does he react?
Macbeth visits the witches again because hes concerned about the 3 prophecies they told him the first time and demands more answers from them.

Explain Macbeth's decision to murder Lady Macduff & children (increasingly erratic & illogical behaviour).
To lure in Macduff.

Which factor is most influential: (a) Witches & their prophesy? (b) Vaulting ambition? (c) Lady Macbeth?
(c) Lady Macbeth. She says that if she had promised to do something so unnatural as to kill her infant, she would honor that promise."Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this".

Why is Macbeth obsessed with killing Banquo (Oh yeah, and Fleance too)?
Because he knows that Banquo is onto him so he must kill him before he finds out anymore. And Fleance is aware of Banquos suspicions so if he were to only kill Banquo, then Fleance would be sure Macbeth killed Duncan.

How does Macbeth justify his decision to proceed down the path of evil? He says that he has killed so many people that going back would just be as bad as going forward. "I am in blood stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er".

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