
Wednesday 6 June 2018

If your leg was cut off

if your leg is cut off would it hurt. No, because the pain would be in your leg and yo leg is gone.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Trolley carts - Fortnite

Fortnite is introducing their first-ever vehicle... A trolley cart? Theirs a bit of a commotion at the moment based on how the trolley carts work, whether a player pushes while the other is inside shooting lads, or if they both sit in the trolley while someone controls it. There are so many ways it could be used, could even be used by standing in it. I personally think that someone sits in the trolley and your teammate controls it from the back. I more curious about whether its free or not. There are rumours that it costs v-bucks and if it does then I probably won't be buying it.Image result for trolley carts fortnite

Thursday 24 May 2018

Read theory

Today i read a story about "What are human rights?" I learnt that the universal declaration of human rights was written in 1948. The declaration contains 30 articles explaining the rights inherent to all human beings. I think one of the most important articles is the second one: no one should lose their rights because of characteristics like race, religion, language, or gender. Society has forgotten about this article these days.

I got 100% on level 7 today and tomorrow I'm keen on trying to achieve level 8

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Why is Fortnite addictive?

Why is Fortnite addictive?
Fortnite is so addictive because when you lose the game, you only lose by generally a pinch. Picture your playing solos. You vs another random player. You get a shot on them that erases all their shield and a bit of their hp.  Realistically your not even 5 rifle shots away from shooting them. You're trying to get another shot but while you're trying your best, they're managing to shoot you multiple times and you die. So you have a fit and once you've loaded out and spawning as the opponent the first thing you notice and automatically pay attention to is their HEALTH BAR. Almost every game you lose, you examine your steps and note that you were just one or two moves away from winning. So it makes you play again and again and again.
This makes me wonder if its really the player losing or if its the game generating a damage that makes you really low at the end of a gunfight.
Image result for fortnite

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Read theory

Today on i was reading about a boy that went to a school and a new girl moved to his school. They became close friends and she invited him to her house. When he got there he found out that she was rich, and he was ashamed and scared because he's really poor. i got 100% correct when answering the questions.

Friday 18 May 2018


What am i learning? For music, we had to research a New Zealand artist and create a presentation about them. I decided to choose Lorde.
How does this show my learning? I have created a poster that shows a variety of facts about Lorde and her songs.
What am i wondering? I wonder how she comes up with the lyrics to her songs.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Read theory - the california gold rush

(answers are at the end)

Between the years 1848 and 1855, hundreds of thousands of people came to California hoping to get rich quick. They were all looking for the same thing: gold. This period of time was known as the California Gold Rush.
A man named James Marshall was the first person to find gold in California. Marshall noticed something shiny in a river. It was gold! Other people quickly heard about his discovery. Soon, thousands of people came in search of gold. People left their jobs, their homes, and their families looking to strike it rich.
Most of the people looking for gold came in 1849. These people became known as the “forty-niners.” Many of them came from the United States, but there were also people from all over the world.
The forty-niners were not the only people who made money from the gold. Other people set up shops, inns, and other businesses near the gold. Many of these business-owners grew rich. Some of them even became wealthier than the gold-hunters!
Life as a gold digger was not easy. Some people got rich. But many died trying. And eventually, the supply of gold ran out. But people did not go home. Many of them stayed in California. By the time the Gold Rush was over, almost 400,000 people had moved there to stay.

1. The California gold rush happened between the years

A. 1838 and 1845
B. 1845 and 1858
C. 1848 and 1855
D. 1848 and 1865

2. Where did James Marshall first find gold?

A. on a mountain
B. under a tree
C. in a river
D. in a cave

3. "One business owner named Levi Strauss sold blue jeans to gold miners. He became one of the richest people in San Fransisco."

if added to the passage, into which passage would this information best fit?

A. Paragraph 2
B. Paragraph 3
C. paragraph 4
D. paragraph 5

4. The final paragraph tells us

A. What the forty-niners did with all their money
B. What happened when the gold rush was over
C. Where the forty-niners were from
D. Why the gold rush happened


1. c, 1848 and 1855
2. c, in a river
3. c, paragraph 4
4. b, what happened when the gold rush was over

My results:
I got all the answers correct. I think the question that got me thinking the most was number 3.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Sombrero galaxy

The Sombrero galaxy was discovered on May 11, 1781, by Pierre Mechain. It is located in the Virgo constellation and has a massive black hole in the center of it. During a clear dark sky, the Sombrero galaxy can be spotted using binoculars and a large telescope. The galaxy is about 30% the size of the milky way and has a very bright nucleus. Thick dust lanes make up the brim of the galaxy. The brim winds into the brilliant white crown made up of a central bulge of older stars.
Image result

Thursday 10 May 2018

Reading 4

Today in English, i went onto the stuff news website and read an article about a man that had gone to feed his fish outside and the ground had collapsed underneath him. He didn't have any neighbours near him and he lived alone and so he was stuck in there for 30 minutes while there were bricks and rocks falling around him. He said he was scared that his tank was going to collapse on top of him and that he would be crushed or buried alive. Finally, a neighbour heard and found him and got help, he has numerous cuts, a gashed head, cracked tooth, and a severely sprained ankle The purpose of stuff news is to give information about events happening around the world and information. The suitable audience for this article would be teenagers or young adults and up.
Image result for sudden hole swallows otago man

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Reading 3

Image result for yo gif

Again today, in English, i went onto Factslides and read some fun facts and I learnt that the first time the word "yo" was used turned out to be in the 15th century. The purpose of fact slides I think is to give information and entertain with a variety of topics to choose from. I think the target audience is year 7 and up. 

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Reading 2

Again today, in English, i went onto Factslides and read some weird facts and I learned that there is a planet called "Giant Blue Alien Planet" and I learned that the planet's atmosphere has a temperature of over 1000 degrees Celsius and rains glass. The purpose of fact slides I think is to give information and entertain with a variety of topics to choose from. I think the target audience is year 7 and up.
Image result for blue planet that rains glass

Monday 7 May 2018


Image result for salamo arouch

In English, i went onto Factslides and read some facts about the Holocaust. I learned that there was a Jewish boxer 'Salamo Arouch' was imprisoned at Auschwitz and forced to fight fellow prisoners; the losers went to gas chambers or shot. He survived over 2 years and 200 fights until the camp was liberated. The purpose of fact slides i think is to give information and entertain with a variety of topics to choose from. I think the target audience is year 7 and up.

Friday 4 May 2018


What am i learning? The Story Of Matariki
How does this work show my learning? I have shown the timeline of how Matariki came to be in this image
What am i wondering? Who made this up?

Maori Songs

1. Aotearoa by Stan Walker ft Ria Hall, Maisey Rika, Troy Kingi
Music style: Pop
What do I like about the music: The vocals and lyrics
What do I like about the video: The scenery
What is the song about: Its about New Zealand (eg. culture)
Lyrics translated to English

2. Modern Maori Quartet ft W Fraser 'Mareikura'
Music style: Pop
What do I like about the music: The vocals
What do I like about the video: Their expressions while singing
What is the song about: Its about an honoring and owe to woman of the world who are basically pillars of society and provide the foundation for everything they do
We cant find the translation to English

3. Wairua by Maioma
Music style: Pop
What do I like about the music: The vocals on the chorus when they all sing together
What do I like about the video: The actions, costumes, and the color splash scenes
What is the song about: One of the singers said “Its purpose is to leave an impression on those that are listening to tend to those who are feeling low,”

4. Kalega

Music Style: R&B/Soul
What do I like about the music: It has a nice rhythm that makes the vocals
What do I like about the video: The scenery
What is the song about: Food
I cant find the English translation of the lyrics

Friday 13 April 2018

OMG! We're going on stage!

On April 12th my class performed in front of years 7-9. Our song was "Revolting Children" from Matilda The Musical. Fortunately for me, i didn't have to go on stage and perform (I hate performing!!). I learnt that choreography takes a lot of practice to remember and that timing is difficult. Next time i'll think about having a go at performing.

Friday 23 March 2018

Seperating a mixture using chromatography

To seperate the different pigments in inks or dyes using paper chromatography.


  • Inks from a ballpoint pen, marker pen, or food colouring.
  • 250mL beaker
  • Filter paper
  • Scissors

  1. Cut a strip of filter paper that is long enough to sit on the bottom of your beaker and still curl over the edge on the top of the beaker.
  2. Rule a line in pencil approximately 2cm from the bottom of your filter strip.
  3. Draw a circle a few mm above the ruled line in ballpoint pen, maker pen, or food colouring (i used marker pen).
  4. Fill your beaker with water until it reaches the depth of the marked line on your strip.
  5. Place the filter strip in the beaker and curl the filter poking out over the beaer so it doesnt slip in. (if the solution touches the ink the expirement will not work).
  6. Record what happens...
The ink would've travelled further but i was in a rush to a finish so i had to stop.
The ink had a mix of a lot of red and a small amount of purple.

Separating mixtures

To separate a solution from a precipitate (a precipitate is a solid that forms in a liquid)

  • Lead Nitrate
  • Potassium Iodide
  • 10mL measuring cylinder
  • conical flask
  • strirring rod
  • 250mL beaker
  • funnel
  • filter paper


  1. Measure 10mL Potassium Iodide into a measuring cylinder and pour into a beaker. Wash measuring cylinder with water.
  2. Measure 10mL Lead Nitrate into a measuring cylinder and pour into the beaker. Wash measuring cylinder with water.
  3. Fold a piece of filter paper and put it into a funnel.
  4. Place the funnel in the mouth of a conical flask.
  5. Pour the mixture into the funnel.
  6. Observe.

Friday 16 March 2018

Growing crystals

I want to find out how to make crystals form in a supersaturated solution.

  • A supersaturated solution of Sodium Acetate
  • Bunsen burner
  • Heat Mat
  • Test tube
  • Test tube Tongs
  • Funnel
  • Filter paper
  • Small beaker
  1. Get a boiling tube with crystallized super-saturated solution.
  2. Carefully heat the boiling tube over the bunsen burner to the crystals dissolve (make sure your tube is facing the wall at a 45-degre angle. 
3. Once all the crystals have dissolved place the test tube in a beaker full of cold water (the tube will be too hot to continue the experiment).
4. Once it is cooled down drop one crystal seed into the solution and watch all the crystals form.

Wednesday 14 March 2018


To make a dilution series to investigate concentration.

  1. A potassium permanganate crystal.
  2. Six test tubes.
  3. A plastic transfer pipette.
  4. A test tube rack
  5. 10mL measuring cylinder.
  1. Place the six test tubes in a test tube rack.
  2. Using the measuring cylinder, fill test tube 1 with 10 mL of water. Fill the remaining test tubes with 5mL of water.
  3. Add a spatula of potassium permanganate to the first (10mL) test tube of water.
  4. Take 1mL from the first tube and add it to the next tube.
  5. Take 1mL from the second test tube and add it to the next tube.
  6. Take 1mL from the third test tube and add it to the next tube.
  7. Take 1mL from the fourth test tube and add it to the next tube.
  8. Take 1mL from the fifth test tube and add it to the last tube.

The first test tube was the darkest and carried on through to the sixth test tube getting lighter and lighter.

Monday 12 March 2018

Investigating solubility

I want to investigate the solubility of calcium chloride and magnesium oxide to see which is more soluble in water.


  • calcium chloride
  • magnesium oxide
  • 100mL measuring cylinder
  • stirring rod
  • 250mL beaker
  • spatula
  1. fill a beaker with 100mL of tap water.
  2. get your spatula and scoop some calcium chloride into the beaker.
  3. stir until the solution is dissolved.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until its insoluble (keep data of how many scoops you applied).
  5. Repeat experiment but with magnesium oxide.
I was able to get 12 scoops of calcium chloride until it was insoluble. Magnesium oxide is insoluble

bouncing balls

Aim: I want to investigate how high the ball can bounce a from different heights

Hypothesis: I think the higher you drop the ball then the higher it bounces.

ball,  stand, ruler, something to record on(ex, phone, laptop), paper or laptop to write results

Step 1.get equipment
step 2.Put the ruler on a stand so it stands up straight.
Step 3.record the drop from 1 meter and record it on slow-mo.
Step 4. drop the ball 3 times to make sure that your results are correct.
step 5.drop the ball from different heights

The higher you drop a ball the higher it bounces

control variables:
*the type of ball
*what it bounces on

Dependent variable
*the hight the ball bounce after being dropped from different heights

Independent  variables
*The heights the balls being dropped from.

Monday 12 February 2018

About me!

Things required backstage to create a performance

LO: To create a mindmup based on what is required backstage during a performance.

How does this show your work? 
The square highlighted blue is the topic, and all of the connected squares tell us the things we need.
What am i wondering?
Are the lighting and sound an easy job or is it more complicated than it looks?

Monday 5 February 2018

Hailee Steinfield VS Taylor Swift??

What is the learning outcome?

Find a YouTube clip of an artist/musician/band you admire. Open the video in Video Notes, watch through it and make some notes about why you like it, what messages are in it, and what you would change if you remade the video clip.
Repeat this for an artist/band/musician you do not enjoy!

On your blog, write a compare/contrast post about what makes a good piece of music using your two choices as evidence.

I don't know why I like this song, I guess I can relate to it in certain situations. It's about a girl that is in a relationship or has a strong relationship/friendship with a boy and she always does him wrong and makes them upset, etc and she tries to push him away and make excuses to leave him but he always seems to hold on to her and not let go. Moral: It's about her asking him to let go

I don't like this song, the lyrics are strange, I dislike the chorus because it's extremely repetitive and the way she says it- I just find it very uncomforting. It's honestly not that bad of a song its just not my type of music