
Friday 6 September 2019

personification, onomatopoeia, and alliteration

Exercise 1

Complete these sentences with examples of personification to make them interesting for readers. 

  1. The waves were crawling onto the sand
  2. Clouds can be happy on days, and sad on others.
  3. The train sprinted past as if it were in desperation.
  4. Fear clenched underneath her skin.
  5. The bulldozer was like an angry monster tearing apart the ground beneath my feet.
  6. Bells whistled like the voice of an angel.

Exercise 2

Come up with a sound affect word for each of these
eg a racquet hitting a tennis ball = pock
1 an arrow hitting a target = fsh
2 cold water hitting a hot piece of metal = pshr
3 a startled noise made by a bird. = tweet
4 the sound made by an unhappy puppy = mrrrrw
5 a piece of paper being screwed up = shcrp
6 a juicy, ripe tomato hitting the floor after being dropped = plash
7 big waves hitting rocks = crash
8 tyres on a wet road = berr

Exercise 3

Sports reports often use alliteration in their headlines for impact. 
Write five sports headlines for a newspaper. Use alliteration to give impact.


Hornby overtake ostentatious show offs.

Terrance hockey team turn up and take the lead.

Shrilanka soccer team shoot and score the world record.

Charles garrets ball roars and reaches a radical distance.

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