
Tuesday 3 September 2019

Season Similes

Spring looks like blossoms blowing in the wind
Spring tastes like fresh strawberries
Spring smells like freshly cut grass
Spring feels like warmth on my skin
Spring sounds like birds singing

Summer looks like the sun glistening through my window
Summer tastes like fresh glass of lemonade
Summer smells like fish n chips
Summer feels like good vibes
Summer sounds like the waves brushing against the sand

Autumn looks like colourful leaves
Autumn tastes like fresh waffles and maple syrup
Autumn smells like bakeries
Autumn feels like a quiet season
Autumn sounds like trees swaying in the wind

Winter looks like naked trees and dark skies
Winter tastes like warm hot chocolates
Winter smells like wet concrete
Winter feels like a cold and damp
Winter sounds like rain splashing onto pavements

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