
Thursday 5 September 2019

Persuasive writing 3

Squirrels shouldn't be removed from parks because they destroy the plants and gardens.

Some people may look at squirrels as a nuisance to society, whereas others look at them as cute little rodents. Of course, people sum up the worlds negativity around everything but themselves. Why are we concerned about squirrels messing up a few plants and gardens? Yeah, it can be annoying but what about the things that humans are destroying? We can't just pull an animal out of its home and if we do, what do you think would happen?

While we are focusing on squirrels wrecking a few pretty flowers and plants, us as humans are destroying the planet more than anything. Cutting down forests, ruining animals natural habitat, polluting waters, poaching, increasing global warming, and the list goes on and on. Instead of pointing fingers to nature and their animals, why not look at ourselves. Look at what we are doing instead of what a squirrel is doing to a garden.There are far more important things than that.

Animals. Have. Their. Rights. Squirrels natural habitat is in a tree. Maybe that tree just so happens to be in a park. It is their home. We should not get a say in where natures animals get to live. What if we were to be ripped out of all our homes? Everyone deserves a place to live and no one should decide who gets to live where.

What would actually happen if we removed squirrels from parks? Maybe they just wont come back, it'll be as easy as that. Not quite. They'll either come back, or find somewhere else to stay. So lets imagine the first scenario in action. If the squirrels do come back, they will be in the open, meaning that if a child is there it can frighten them, resulting into a screaming child, concerned bystanders, and an embarrassed parent/caregiver. Now, scenario two in action. They will roam around looking for another place to live. Maybe they'll just crawl into a tree and forget about it right? But then they need to find food. So instead they'll roam around a little more. Possibly, they stumble upon a public road. There could be multiple outcomes of what happens now. 1. They get ran over and die. 2. They run on the road and cause a car to swerve, leading into a crash that could be fatal. 3. They walk away. Anything could happen. Why put all of these possible outcomes at risk when this all could've been avoided right from the start.

We are the nuisance to this planet, not squirrels. If they live in the park, then they should stay in the park. We should be focusing on real issues in this world rather than a harmless rodent.

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